Minggu, 24 Januari 2010

Ramana Maharshi on two paths to God realization

Ramana Maharshi - There are two ways. One is looking into the source of `I' and merging into that source. The other is feeling `I am helpless by myself, God alone is all-powerful and except by throwing myself completely on him, there is no other means of safety for me. By this method one gradually develops the conviction that God alone exists and that the ego does not count. Both methods lead to the same goal. Complete surrender is another name for jnana or liberation.

Jiddu Krishnamurti - Truth can come to you only when your mind and heart are simple

Jiddu Krishnamurti - Truth can come to you only when your mind and heart are simple, clear, and there is love in your heart, not if your heart is filled with the things of the mind. When there is love in your heart, you do not talk about organizing for brotherhood, you do not talk about belief, you do not talk about division or the powers that create division, you need not seek reconciliation. Then you are a simple human being without a label, without a country. This means that you must strip yourself of all those things and allow truth to come into being, and it can come only when the mind is empty, when the mind ceases to create. Then it will come without your invitation. Then it will come as swiftly as the wind and unbeknown. It comes obscurely, not when you are watching, wanting. It is there as sudden as sunlight, as pure as the night, but to receive it, the heart must be full and the mind empty.

Osho on vegetarian food

osho rajneesh - orgasmic stillness 2 - 2

osho rajneesh - orgasmic stillness 1 - 2

Rabu, 13 Januari 2010

Jiddu Krishnamurti Quotes - Our life is ambition

Jiddu Krishnamurti - Our life is ambition. We want to be somebody, we want to be well-thought-of, want to achieve a result. If I am not wise, I want to become wise. If I am violent, I want to become nonviolent. The 'becoming' is the process of ambition. Whether I want to become the biggest politician or the most perfect saint, the ambition, the drive, the impulse of becoming is the process of choice, is the process of ambition, which is essentially based on choice.

So, our life is a series of struggles, a movement from one ideological concept, formula, desire, to another, and in this process of becoming, in this process of struggle the mind deteriorates. The very nature of this deterioration is choice, and we think choice is necessary, choice from which springs ambition.

OSHO: Meditation Is a Very Simple Phenomenon

osho rajneesh - love is the fire

osho rajneesh - www.oshorajneesh.net - love is the fire - fire dance- krasnoyarsk russia

OSHO: A Buddha Will Be Misunderstood ? (1 of 2)

Osho - Yes, it is absolutely enevitable. It can't be otherwise. A buddha is bound to be misunderstood. If a buddha is not misunderstood then he is not a buddha at all. Why is it so? because the buddha lives in a state which is beyond mind, and we live in minds. To translate something from the beyond to the mind is the most impossible thing in the world. It cant be done, although every buddha has tried to do it. That too is inevitable; no buddha can avoid it.

OSHO: A Buddha Will Be Misunderstood ? (2 of 2)

osho rajneesh - orgasmic stillness 1 - 2

orgasmic stillness -osho rajneesh - www.oshorajneesh.net - talks antwerp

osho rajneesh - orgasmic stillness 2 - 2

osho rajneesh - dance your way to freedom

osho rajneesh - buzz on the beach