Kamis, 27 Agustus 2009

Wise person goes through the internal questioning

Wisdom is not some thing which we are born with. But we become wise when we act from our intelligence. We have to think, question, doubt and come to our own conclusion about right and wrong.

Society has formed its own rules about how things should be done and no one questions them. Some times we are just following orthodox rules with out questioning them. A wise person is some one who has gone through the internal questioning and listened to his soul in coming to an conclusion. Our soul never misguides us but it is difficult to follow it.

Rabu, 26 Agustus 2009

Today is the first day of rest of your life

Today is the first day of rest of your life. We can make any thing out of this remaining life. Today we have got another chance to give a new direction to our life. Every day when we wake up, its a new birth. Every day we have the option to be more positive, optimistic or to be sad, depress.

I choose to be optimistic and bring more joy in my life as well as in others. Life is a growth and one has to participate in the life to grow. Lets share and grow our positive talents and make this life a celebration.

Meditation Tips | Meditation is not an separate activity

Meditation is not an separate activity. One need not sit for meditation to meditate. One can be equally meditative while doing day to day activities of walking, eating, talking etc provided one know the knack of meditation. Once one know the art of meditation then every activity becomes meditative.

One has to learn the knack of meditation and more time we spend in learning this knack of meditation better it is. Normally beginners of meditation are recommended to meditate for 30 minutes or one hour every day. But a beginner should be sincere in their meditation practice. One should not meditate for one day and next day skip the meditation practice. Sincerity is important for learning the knack.

Selasa, 25 Agustus 2009

Meditation is one way of becoming master of our inner world

We can not control our outer circumstances. Outer world is very much changing and we can not control it. Some times we will be doing well in the outer world and some times things will go against us.

But our inner world is in our hand and we can become master of it. Meditation is one way of becoming master of our inner world. A intelligent person chooses to become master of his inner world rather than wasting time in pursuing ambitions in the outside world.

Whole art of meditation is in putting the mind aside

Meditation is nothing but the art of putting the mind aside. Normally mind takes the center seat and controls our life. But in meditation we put the mind out of the way and bring a watcher, who watches this mind. This watcher is always there but is hidden underneath the mind.

Mind is just our periphery and not our center. Our real center is at our inner most core which is always centered, calm, still and watching every thing. Whole art of meditation is in putting the mind aside and allowing this inner center to take the center seat.

Meditation is to move from unconsciousness to conscious living

Meditation is the art of being more conscious in our actions. For so many lives we are just living unconsciously and mechanically. Meditation is a decision which any one can make in the current life to be conscious in their actions.

Meditation is the art of moving from unconsciousness to conscious living. When we drink alcohol, drugs or take any thing which makes us more unconscious then we bring down our consciousness. Any thing that reduces our consciousness is not good for meditation. A meditator makes every effort to raise its consciousness

Real spirituality is an upward journey

Real spirituality is an upward journey. It is an effort to grow despite the unconsciousness of the society. Society always brings down the people who wants to grow spiritually. Because a spiritual person is no longer part of the society.

A real spiritual person becomes an individual and is not part of any mentality, group, or nation. It needs wisdom to grow despite all the resistances imposed by the society. A seeker has to be very intelligent in making use of the opportunities for his spiritual growth and no matter what happens he should keep on putting effort for his growth.

Journey of thousand steps begins with one step

Journey of thousand steps begins with one step. Most difficult thing in a journey is not the last step but it is to take the first step. It takes more courage and will power to take the first step of a thousand mile journey than to take the last step.

It is easier to turn back in between and gave up. But it needs a man of character to go on despite all odds and complete the journey. To give up is easy and even a fool can do it but to keep on growing and moving needs courage, intelligence and will power. No matter what happens one should stick with truth.

Meditation is to be aware of seeking mind

Meditation is not concentration, contemplation or prayer. Meditation is all about understanding the mind who is always seeking and desiring. Concentration, contemplation and prayer are all done by the mind and meditation is to be aware of this seeking mind. Meditation is the art of being aware about our thoughts, feelings, moods, actions. Meditation is not an doing but it is become aware about our doings and efforts to seek any thing in life. In fact Meditation is the real prayer towards life.

Senin, 24 Agustus 2009

Spiritual Quotes | Spirituality is all about finding our inner nature

Spirituality should not become another game of ego. Many people who are not able to achieve success in materialistic world enters the spiritual world and start desiring things in the realm of Spirituality. Many such people desire for siddhis, occult power or a place in heaven.

A sincere seeker should guard himself against the desires and fancies of the mind. The very nature of mind is to seek and desire. Real Spirituality begins when we start understanding the mind and its working by becoming aware of it. Spirituality is all about finding our true face and inner nature and it nothing to do with fulfilling the desires of the mind.

Meditation Quotes | Meditation is all about being aware of our thoughts

Meditation is all about being aware of our thoughts. Mind is always thinking all the time and it controls our life. There is no way for an average person to stop the mind except meditation. Only way to stop the mind is to become a witness to the thinking process. In Meditation, we witness the thoughts in a very relax and detached way. We don't interfere with the thoughts in any way. We just witness them coming and going as if we are watching vehicles coming and going in a traffic signal.

Meditation makes the hold of mind on us weak. Mind feeds on our energy and cooperation. In meditation we stop our identification with the thoughts. Instead we just become a watcher of these thoughts.

Selasa, 11 Agustus 2009

Gods and Demons churning ocean for divine nectar

In Hindu mythology there are many stories of fights between gods and demons. But there is one unique case where gods and demons worked together. God and Demons wanted to churn the ocean in the hope of getting divine nectar, which would have made them immortal. But alone they would not have been able to churn the ocean. So they have to join hands and cooperate with each other.

When they started churning the ocean, many things started coming out from the ocean. First thing that came out was a very deadly poison. Many people started suffering from the ill effects of this poison. So Lord Shiva drank this poison and this poison was so deadly that the throat of Lord Shiva became blue in color and the Shravan month is dedicated to Lord Shiva for this particular event only as people started throwing water and milk on Lord Shiva to reduce the impact of this poison. In Shravan month Shivalinga is worshipped with milk etc.

After the poison many more things came out from the ocean like Goddess of wine, Lakshmi (Goddess of prosperity and beauty), Parijata the Celestial tree, Rambha the nymph , Moon, Kaustubha a jewel, White Horse, Surabhi the cow of Plenty, Dhanus a mighty bow, Airavata a white elephant, Sankha a conch shell came. But Gods and Demons were looking for divine nectar which would have given them immortality. So they kept on churning the ocean till the divine nectar came out.

This story looks like a myth but if we analyze this story from the perspective of a meditator. Then I think it has a very deep meaning. When we start practicing meditation then we have to face many unconscious fears, desires, traumas which are buried deep in our unconscious mind.
Through meditation, the meditator transform these desires by passively witnessing them. In the end we get enlightened which is like drinking the divine nectar.

Moral of story is that much is stored inside us. It carries both good and bad seeds. Instead of looking outside we have to look inside for the inner richness. When any negative desire comes out from our mind then we have to transform the energy into its highest form. e.g. sex into love, hate into compassion etc